Friday, February 8, 2008
The kitchen will be quite simple for 2 reason: our no-frills theme and the shape of the kitchen. Our kitchen is pretty big but it's shape is a narrow rectangle. Thus there will be no room for the funky island counter top which is so in vogue these days. There will be non of those floating cabinets with light hidden underneath as well. It looks great no doubt but it does not make sense at all. I believe those who did them have been 'wacked' by their interior designer/contractor.
1st March - went to Balastier and settled all out bathroom/kitchen fittings. Got the bathtub, heaters, taps, basin etc. The lady which served us reminded me of the funny sales assistant in the watch shop in Bugis. A few years ago...
While me and Shuyi were choosing a watch in that shop... We were deciding between 2 to 3 watches. When the girl suddenly told us, 'I don't like the one with the red needle'.
Both of us found it funny, the way she put it. I mean sure you don't like the red needle of the watch. But we're buying right? It was quite funny and in the end, we respected her preference and went with the other one.

da goods
These are the goods waiting to be installed. Nothing extravagant.
Pretty much done up. Cabinet in latte oak with a white solid surface top. Pretty standard stuff.

simple, no frills
We finally got the oven: the same Arisston oven as my sis. Anyhow la. Hard to compare ovens...
weelian at 12:19 PM